There is a substantial interest in CMC from acute hospitals, to both create and view urgent care plans. In particular A&E departments are keen to see the information their colleagues have provided within CMC.
CMC enables A&E departments and hospitals to automatically flag patients who have CMC urgent care plans in their EPR. The CMC in-context link also flags patients with CMC care plans in EPRs, and in addition enables EPR users to launch the CMC system in the context of the currently selected patient to amend and / or view an existing plan, or create a new plan, without needing to enter their CMC user credentials. The CMC in-context link is also being implemented in Health Information Exchanges (HIE); therefore in A&E departments and hospitals where the CMC in-context link to the EPR system has not been implemented but an HIE is available, users can access CMC in patient context via the HIE.
We are working towards making this service available to all clinicians working in an acute setting. We recognise that hospitals are complex organisations and that we need to work with clinicians across a range of specialties. We can support a hospital with IT solutions and implementing cultural change to drive uptake of CMC. Increased CMC use will improve communication between primary and acute services.